Edie Seashore: On Coaching

52 min read

Dorothy:  So, I say to myself: “Which conference is this?  OD at ODN conference?  Or is it coaching ICF?  Where are we and what are we?”

Edie:  And Ed Schein wrote something about this in his book called Helping.

Dorothy:  That’s right. Otto Scharmer calls his book on helping one of the essential coaching books now.

Edie:  It could drive you crazy actually.  All those pages on helping—it’s amazing.

Dorothy:  Edie, you are a noted voice in placing feedback as the core event  in coaching and OD where new learning can happen.   You and Charlie have worked to teach and remind professionals about the development work that is required to know how to identify and use feedback choicefully. You have made the almost intangible concept of “use of self as instrument” the choiceful outcome of learning and development.  Knowing how to use oneself effectively as an instrument of learning is key to coaches and consultants.  This is one of the great gifts that  you and Charlie really worked on to  make practical for others. Additionally your new work on triple impact coaching suggests that coaching across levels of the human system can also take on momentum that consultants assist in OD projects.

Despite my seeing you as a pioneer in the applied behavioral science, a role identified in The Age of Heretics by Art Kleiner,  I am always inspired by your effervescent love of learning and the human condition.  A deep thank you.

Edie: Wonderful. And thank you.

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