Release the Butterfly

3 min read

Awaken the slumbering beast!

People often choose comfort over growth and when we stop experiencing new ideas, we stop growing. Just because you have never tried something before, it doesn’t mean that it’s not for you. I view change or a challenging situation not really as a dilemma but rather as an opportunity to create space for something which is more rewarding and satisfying. One of my colleagues from a recent networking event remarked that you grow rich by growing yourself; this is a very profound statement. Innovation and creativity should part of your mantra and who knows maybe you will launch your million dollar idea, such as a unique clothing line which could earn you billions of dollars. The art of learning to flourish begins with you, if only the dominant part of your brain could unleash that creative genius!

Decoding the Butterfly DNA

There is a butterfly in each and every one of us; by decoding the “Butterfly language” in your DNA structure you will undergo metamorphosis from a caterpillar to a butterfly. A caterpillar‘s life span involves it crawling from leaf to leaf to eat and sleep and it does the same thing day in and day out. A butterfly, on the other hand, is an incredible creature that lives a glorious life by flying off to where ever it wants to go, and drinks  from a variety of small mineral puddles and wet leaves and has nectar from a selection of flowers. Fortunately, the caterpillar is spared further monotony by becoming a cocoon and then transforming into a vibrant butterfly; this transformation is an automatic process for the butterfly.

Unfortunately for human beings it is not! Some individuals get stuck during the caterpillar stages of their life (and don’t even realize it) and remain dormant for decades, while there is a minority that do elevate to the status of growing wings and achieving great things. A butterfly symbolizes new life, emergence of growth, beauty and freedom. The elixir to experiencing a fulfilled life with new beginnings and to awaken from that deep slumber lies within you. If the career/life barometer could read your career/life altitude, what would it say about you?

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