Home Tools and Applications Personal & Life Coaching What Coaching Is, What It Isn’t— With Particular Reference to NLP

What Coaching Is, What It Isn’t— With Particular Reference to NLP

9 min read

1 Overview, towards a definition

2 The NLP approach to coaching

3 Conclusion

4 References

Is not the pastness of the past the more profound, the more legendary the more immediately it falls before the present. Thomas Mann, The Magic Mountain

The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines the verb and noun coach as a) to train or teach ( a pupil, sports team etc.) as a coach   b) give hints to, prime with facts. A coach of a major sports team is often though not always a practitioner of the sport. If or when a team achieves significant success, the experience (in the subject field) expertise and communication skills of the coach is cited as a major reason for this excellence. (1) Indeed there may be a team of coaches (not necessarily current of past practitioners of the subject (i.e. the sport) who work on different aspects of team performance (e.g. leadership, motivation, focus..) under the direction of the head coach. Coaching today has moved beyond the emphasis of a sports or teaching coach who facilitates or trains a team or individual to success by winning events or passing targeted exams into a mainstream sometimes high profile general activity often termed Life coaching or Corporate coaching.  The International Coach Federation mission statement envisions ‘a future in which coaching will be an integral part of society.’ The UK Chartered Institute of Personal Development reported (in 2009) that over 75% of companies are now using coaching as a development approach.  The expertise of the coach may not be as in the example of the successful sport or business coach that they were a former leader in their field who now coaches but the expertise is coaching.

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