Home Concepts Employee Engagement & Motivation Coaching for Applicants to be Director of Human Resource Departments

Coaching for Applicants to be Director of Human Resource Departments

2 min read

5. For a human resource leader who wants to help people to be successful and happy, hierarchical misunderstandings, senior leader fallibilities and a cultural requirement for personal growth must be declared, and over time become unarguable. While human resource accessibility to sensitive leadership issues can’t be mandated and must be earned, the context for it is by its nature declarative. Without this declaration from senior leaders, Economic Fascism will prevail. High performing and human workplace then becomes impossible.

n.b. Economic Fascism is a system of governance, whether political or corporate, in which money is almost always more important than people.  It is led by authorities forcibly or subtly suppressing opposition and direct criticism, and regimenting economic infrastructures and resources.)

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