Home Concepts Strategy Coaching in Legal Institutions Happiness is an Option for Lawyers: Creating Success and Fulfillment in Work and Life

Happiness is an Option for Lawyers: Creating Success and Fulfillment in Work and Life

27 min read


One: A High Powered Attorney Achieves Success while Balancing Work and Personal Life


Most attorneys lead extremely busy lives. Finding a balance between professional success and a satisfying personal life can be a daunting challenge.

A very successful high-performing attorney working for a Silicon Valley Law Firm was burned out. He was working 80 hours per week and exhausted. The pressure of meeting the billable hour requirement and professional goals was having an adverse affect on his health and home-life.


As part of a self insight coaching program, the attorney made a decision to renegotiate his work load with the partners in his law firm. He took on some marketing tasks and reduced his client case load. He started an exercise program and renewed his interests in several community and family-related activities.


In addition to work, the attorney made his health and family a priority. He learned how to become more stress resilient. As he became more stress hardy, he was able to more fully engage in his work for the law firm. He became much happier with his career and personal life.


The legal profession can be extremely demanding. Attorneys are at risk for a number of health and relationship related problems. Coaching interventions based on improved self management can help support learning new behaviors and revitalized commitment. Sometimes a decision is made to develop a solo practice or change careers.

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