Home Concepts Strategy Coaching in Legal Institutions Happiness is an Option for Lawyers: Creating Success and Fulfillment in Work and Life

Happiness is an Option for Lawyers: Creating Success and Fulfillment in Work and Life

27 min read


In order to change habits and become fully engaged requires experimenting with new behaviors. Choose one or two of the following practices and consider receiving 360-degree feedback to measure improvement.

1. Count your blessings every day.
2. Take an inventory of your life and express gratitude for all the good in it.
3. Engage in five intentional acts of kindness each week.
4. Use your top strengths in new ways.
5. Focus on when you are at your best and which strengths you used.

Happiness is clearly an option for lawyers. It takes closing the door to whatever is not working in your life, and opening the door to a life where you can realize your fullest potential.


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