Home Concepts Strategy Future of Coaching Supervision of Coaches in Europe: Situation and Trends

Supervision of Coaches in Europe: Situation and Trends

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The EMCC has developed in partnership with the ICF the “Professional Charter for Coaching and Mentoring” which has been approved by the European Union and appears on the website dedicated to Self-Regulated industries.


ICF is a worldwide association for coaches. It has about 5000 members in Europe in 26 European countries.

ICF has developed a competence framework for coaching (11 competences).  In 2013 a joint ICF-EMCC compared the two respective frameworks and found them very close.  ICF has not developed a coaching supervision framework but the traits and duties of the supervisors are described on the ICF website.

About supervision ICF says:

One area of confusion around the concept of coaching supervision is about the differences in terminology, between supervision and mentoring. (Currently, ICF defines Mentor Coaching as coaching for the development of one’s coaching, rather than reflective practice, coaching for personal development or coaching for business development, although those aspects may happen very incidentally in the coaching for development of one’s coaching.). The definition of supervision is given in the same document: “Coaching Supervision is the interaction that occurs when a coach periodically brings his or her coaching work experiences to a coaching supervisor in order to engage in reflective dialogue and collaborative learning for the development and benefit of the coach and his or her clients.

So, ICF makes clear distinction between Mentor Coaching and Coaching Supervision. A number of Mentor Coaches are already accredited but how they are selected is unclear.


AC (Association for Coaching) is an association of coaches and supervisors located in UK. It has about 1500 members in different countries.

AC has developed a competence framework for coaching (9 competences) and a competence framework for supervision (9 competences). AC delivers an accreditation to Coaching Supervisor (coaches who supervise coaches, 11 already accredited) and to Supervisor (non-coaches who supervise coaches, 65 already accredited).


As supervision, not only for coaches but for all helping professions, has grown rapidly national large associations were founded in several European countries. In 1997 the national professional organisations for supervision of Austria, Germany, Hungary, the Netherlands and Switzerland agreed to establish a European umbrella association called ANSE.

ANSE is based in Vienna and has more than 8.000 members, qualified supervisors and more recently coaches in 25 European Northern and Eastern countries. It aims at promoting information exchange, experience sharing, dissemination of supervision and coaching and quality assurance of supervision and coaching through standards.

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