Home Research Return on Investment An ROI Method for Executive Coaching: Have the Client Convince the Coach of the Return on Investment

An ROI Method for Executive Coaching: Have the Client Convince the Coach of the Return on Investment

31 min read

Solidifying the Connections Among the Three Key Factors

It was through my questions such as, “How do you know that you and your team’s behaviors made a difference in the bottom line?” that many of the behaviors over and above the set goals came to light.  Because Anne and the team focused so persistently on their behavioral factors, they created new synergies that allowed them to achieve their revenue results.

By remaining conscious of the decisions they were making and the specific commitments necessary within each phase of their work, Anne and her team were able to create efficiencies that affected their bottom line.  Anne is convinced that without managing specific behavioral leader and team factors, she would not have achieved her results.  She named specific decisions that executed the three Key Factors well and directly led to her business results.  Her ability to focus on these customized behaviors sowed the seeds for success.  She knew what her team was like before the three Key Factors focus, and now she had evidence in their daily interactions that underscored the changes achieved by incorporating the three Key Factors into their work routines.  In my practice, I have also incorporated the use of pre- and post- surveys of the leader and team behaviors which track their frequency before and after the contract.

Benefit/Cost Ratio: Quantifying the Impact

Once Anne identified and showed that the behavioral Key Factors led to bottom line improvement, it was necessary to assess how much the coaching contract impacted her results.  What percentage can be attributed to the executive coaching variable as opposed to the other variables that Anne named earlier?

Often leaders are so pleased with their results that they enthusiastically exclaim, “100%!  The coaching is 100% of what got us there!”  This comment is reminiscent of happy participants immediately after a training class giving a high rating because they had a good experience.  It is not necessarily tied to the training’s effectiveness.  Therefore, it is our job, once again, to be skeptical about the “grade inflation” our clients give because they are satisfied with the coaching engagement.

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