Home Tools and Applications Leadership Coaching Section Three: Leadership Development and Coaching in Organizations

Section Three: Leadership Development and Coaching in Organizations

7 min read

Leadership Development: Case Studies

Two essays are offered that describe the ways in which to couple coaching and leadership development in working with specific populations in an organization.

Coaching High Potential and High Performing Clients

During a conference held in Istanbul, Turkey, more than 30 experienced organizational coaches devoted extensive attention to two related coaching challenges: how to work most effectively with men and women who have been identified as high potential performers, and how to work most effectively with men and women who have already been acknowledged for high levels of performance.  As a first step in making sense of these challenges, five different kinds of clients have been identified> Three of these types tend to be deficit-based whereas the high potential (HPOT) and high performance (HPER) clients were identified as coming from a position of envisioned (HPOT) or real (HPER) strength and accomplishment.

Case Study: Exploring Coaching Options

A Manager with a global pharmaceutical firm was recently transferred from the New Jersey worldwide headquarters to the European head office in Germany. The Manager, Manoel, is intellectually gifted, ambitious, and has an MBA from a top-tier university. He wants to develop his leadership skills in order to move up in the company. Three months into Manoel’s assignment, comments are streaming into the Head of Business Development about his work. The tenor is generally negative. He is perceived as arrogant, dismissive and takes credit for others’ work. Further, when anyone inquires about the status of the project, Manoel is evasive. The Head of Business Development and the Talent Director, both Germans, are concerned about the remarks. They issue a Request for Proposal to an external coaching network asking for a customized process to help the Manager urgently improve. Your firm is awarded the mandate. What is your strategy?

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