Home Research Case Studies Coaching Project for Student Success: Impact and Insights

Coaching Project for Student Success: Impact and Insights

7 min read

Evaluating the responses and data collected

As part of this coaching project, survey participants answered different questions. We have categorized their responses for convenience. Below tables are the summary of the responses gathered.

    I.        Participants’ impact on self-discovery & perceptions

One of the key principles of the coaching project was to know the impact or change that the participants noticed in themselves and around them.The responses submitted by each individual participant for this question are categorized into 3 types:

  1. 9 out of the 15 participants responded to have found the overall coaching project better in one way or the other. They felt that they have learned and discovered more sides to their own personalities as well as the way they previously perceived the environment around them. Overall, their perception of self-awareness enhanced by taking part in the coaching project.
  2. 4 out of the 15 participants who responded have found the coaching project to highlight areas where and by which they could enhance their effectiveness and efficiency. They noticed becoming more managed and in better control of their emotions and planning.
  3. Lastly, only 2 out of the 15 participants responded to have found no significant change from taking part in the coaching project.
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