It is also important that the entrepreneur remain flexible with regard to her motives. She must be capable and willing to identify and engage shifting personal aspirations and career interests, for these shifts may portend strategic changes in the direction of her professional enterprise. It is not uncommon for a successful entrepreneur to have relatively low capacity with regard to stable levels of interest in specific tasks or assignments, while holding a core set of values and motives that remain constant over time and location. The challenge for any organizational coach working with the professional entrepreneur is to help her remain true to her calling, while also being nimble on her feet with regard to changes in her profession. In fact, this is not bad advice for the organizational coach himself: be true to your calling but also nimble on your feet! Perhaps there is a parallel here because the organizational coach is himself a professional, who faces many of the same challenges as his professional entrepreneurial client. Should we even tell our clients that we are learning as much (as coaches) about running a closely-held enterprise as they are (as our clients) . . .
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