Home Research History of Coaching An Interview with John Lazar: Institutions and Influences

An Interview with John Lazar: Institutions and Influences

26 min read

Bill Carrier:  What a neat way to wrap up our conversation and bring it full circle. You talked about how, early on, the institutions were helping shape what you were learning and doing in coaching.  Then we talked about how you’ve helped found and lead organizations that were shaping coaching.  Now, you’ve been talking a little bit about some of the organizations that are influencing what you as a leader are doing today and in the future.

John Lazar:  And obviously that the list of things that I give you is based on the observer that I am and the things that are important to me.  I’m sure if you were to talk to other folks you would get other answers in terms of what are the influencers as we look ahead.  It’s an okay starting point.

Bill Carrier:  You’ve been exceptionally generous with your time.  Is there anything else that you’d like to add?

John Lazar:  Simply that I appreciate the work that you and Bill are doing with the library.  I very much appreciate the occasional invitations that I get to participate and contribute. I continue to be a big fan of, as well as colleague and friend of, Bill’s and of yours.  I’m delighted to have this opportunity to engage with you about topics of mutual interest. Thank you.

Bill Carrier:  Thank you, John.  We are grateful for your support and collaboration.

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  1. Rey Carr

    March 12, 2016 at 10:11 am

    Finally, I understand what happened to that excellent journal, The International Journal of Coaching in Organizations. John is to be congratulated on establishing a publication that lifted coaching into both the world of empirical science and friendly dialogue. I’m grateful for your pioneering efforts.


  2. Vicki Foley

    February 7, 2017 at 7:57 pm

    Bill and John, thank you for this interview. I enjoyed the historical perspective, a bit of reminiscing about IJCO and ICCO, and the suggestions of ways to associate within the profession. John, you are a revered master.


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