Home Research History of Coaching An Interview with John Lazar: Institutions and Influences

An Interview with John Lazar: Institutions and Influences

26 min read

And that was only one of the five or six excellent neuroscience-related articles that appeared in that issue.  As you know in recent years, the interest in neuroscience and how it connects to coaching, how it connects the leadership, has been an extraordinarily hot topic.  We’re finding and connecting dots and ways that are very interesting and very useful in my view.

Bill Carrier:  So here’s a moment in which neuroscience, one of the subjects that we are really dealing with today in coaching, got more visibility across our coaching profession, particularly with a small group of people who were really interested in forwarding the profession

Bill Carrier:  For readers who are interested in finding articles or previous issues of IJCO, where can they still find them?  Do they still have the opportunity to read IJCO?

John Lazar:  Absolutely.  We published 32 issues and 175 articles over the nine years that we were publishing.  If anybody is interested, they can go to www.pcpionline.com, where you can see the back issues and articles that can be purchased, typically in PDF form.  Back issues of the journal are available in PDF or in print form if they’re still in print.  Those can be ordered online.

Bill Carrier:  You had also talked about being involved in ICCO.  Could you tell us a little bit more about what ICCO was, what it did?

John Lazar:  ICCO was an organization that was meant to be a support organization for practitioners to explore and deepen their understanding of certain conversations or certain areas of professional endeavor and to do that in a group setting.  I’m probably stating that badly but that’s at least a short-hand on it.

The way ICCO did that was through its events. The group of coaches at the Executive Coaching Summit saw that if what we wanted to do was hold events, we would likely need an organization as an appropriate legal structure. The Executive Coaching Summit was an annual event, but one without a permanent “home.” We were looking for an organization that could provide continuity, house a Summit or other kinds of events.  ICCO was what emerged as the consensus amongst, I think, the 80 or 90 practitioners who were in California at the Summit event that year.

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  1. Rey Carr

    March 12, 2016 at 10:11 am

    Finally, I understand what happened to that excellent journal, The International Journal of Coaching in Organizations. John is to be congratulated on establishing a publication that lifted coaching into both the world of empirical science and friendly dialogue. I’m grateful for your pioneering efforts.


  2. Vicki Foley

    February 7, 2017 at 7:57 pm

    Bill and John, thank you for this interview. I enjoyed the historical perspective, a bit of reminiscing about IJCO and ICCO, and the suggestions of ways to associate within the profession. John, you are a revered master.


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