Home Research Real World Coaching: Real World Research

Real World Coaching: Real World Research

22 min read

The results echo implications in the studies of differences in coaches from different professional backgrounds while surfacing additional factors which have an influence on coaches’ presence and practices. Different categories of events have different impacts, however, suggesting the need for a multifaceted strategy for the preparation of coaches which addresses cognitive, technical and affective aspects of the individual.

We found that both formal coach education in skills and theory have a significant impact, suggesting that both elements are important. Formal coach preparation which includes both theory and skills development can serve as the basis for informed decision-making by coaches and provides the ground for deepening professional reasoning and decision-making skills. Coaches learn from both positive and disappointing experiences. Adverse personal experiences lead to the development of empathy. Coaches with prior experience in counseling and psychotherapy may bring transferrable skills, specifically in the establishment of the working alliance, deep listening and the management of emotions. They may also bring a broader repertoire of intervention strategies to their coaching practice.

Given the diversity of prior professional training and experiences of coaches, results suggest that differentiating coach training and education may warrant closer consideration to address different practice contexts and introduce knowledge and skills as warranted by the practitioner’s prior experience and training.

While the potential for continuing this avenue of study remains with some members of the original collective having an interest, continuation would require a larger contingent of members of the collaborative and individuals with experience and expertise in undertaking studies of this nature. One original members, David Orlinsky, has asked for the Excel database with the 185 responses to undertake his own comparison with his development of psychotherapists work. A corollary consideration is what work needs to be undertaken to help coaches and coach educators and trainers to become aware of and apply these results.

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