Home Tools and Applications Coaching Questions Talking Polarities: From Just Either/Or to Supplementing Either/Or with Both/And

Talking Polarities: From Just Either/Or to Supplementing Either/Or with Both/And

6 min read

Let’s go back to the upsides of your professional lives. Here are a few of others’ ideas for maintaining the positive results from focusing on their professional lives, called Action Steps. What is this? Who does it?

  1. I will develop more professional relationships – e.g., coffee with three colleagues each week
  2. I will establish a structure and timelines
  3. Establish boundaries for your time

Here are a few ideas for maintaining the positive results from focusing on your personal lives.

  1. Make a list of what’s important – to guide you
  2. Take your own advice
  3. Define priorities/values/boundaries

Note #3 for both are similar. This is called a High Leverage Action Step – by setting boundaries you are helping to maintain your position in the upsides of both professional and personal lives.

Now to the Early Warnings, which are measurable indicators to let you know you are dipping into the downside of the indicated pole, to the neglect of the other pole.

Professional Lives Early Warnings

  1. Poor sleep
  2. Difficulty demonstrating empathy with patients
  3. Anhedonia

Personal Lives Early Warnings

  1. Poor care evaluations from patients, administrators and quality of care committees
  2. Negative feedback from staff and peers
  3. Patient satisfaction plummets
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