Home Tools and Applications Training Guided Design: A Powerful Tool for Training Professional Coaches

Guided Design: A Powerful Tool for Training Professional Coaches

14 min read

This second analysis requires the case study group to engage in reflective practice and active learning—critical tools to be engaged in any coaching process. The case style group (or multiple groups) spends time discussing their reflective process and the leader of this education or training session offers her own reflections on the case study, the concepts and perspectives inherent in the Collateral Response (which they have usually prepared), and the responses offered by the case study group(s).

Phase Two-A

The case study does not stop here; rather, a second vignette is offered which moves the reflection forward. The second section of the case study begins with the assumption that the coach has engaged one of the responses represented in the Collateral Response and that the client has reacted to this response. Once again, the case study group is asked to indicate what their own response would be at this second phase. In addition, they reflect back on their previous discussion and determine how their previous considerations relate to (perhaps even predict) how the client has reacted during this second phase.

Phase Two-B

The case study group receives a second Collateral Response that introduces additional perspectives regarding the coaching process. Once again, the case study group identifies the strengths and rationale embedded in their own response, as well as the strengths inherent in the Collateral Response.  The leader will then offered her own reflections and reintroduce concepts and perspectives from her education or training program. The subsequent discussion and dialogue among case study participants will grow even richer and there will be even more insightful engagement with the program concepts as related to this case study.

Phase Three and Beyond

Typically, the Guided Design involves at least three phases in which vignettes are offered and followed up by Collateral Responses. The number of phases is dependent on the time available (usually at least one hour for each phase) and the number of concepts and perspective that are to be conveyed through the use of the Guided Design process.

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