Library of Professional Coaching

Virtual NECS Video Recording

As the last session in a three-day New Executive Coaching Summit (NECS) a virtual session was held on Friday, April 29, where a summary report of the NECS meeting was presented and virtual attendees where invited to share their own thoughts.

While the virtual session was scheduled for three hours, technical problems prevented the full participation of in-person and virtual participants during the first hour (and preventing the recording of this section of the Zoom session). Fortunately, the second two hours were recorded. Here is this recording:

The following themes were among those identified and reflected on during these last two hours of the Virtual NECS.

As leaders we invited you to.
* Join in the conversation
* Look for emerging areas of output

Here’s where we are coming from as NECS participants [an “open space” perspective]:
* Whoever comes to the summit is the right person (an appreciative perspective)
* The topics being addressed are those that are most important, and those about which participants have a passion
* Whenever a particular topic emerges, it is the right time
* Whatever happens is the only thing that could have happened
* There is one Law…”Law of Two Feet: Shoes are made for walking” (participants should feel free to move to another group and another topic.”

Themes that emerged at the NECS

Themes that received the most attention at the NECS:








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