Library of Professional Coaching

Conversation Among Masters 2010 Notes: Don Miguel Ruiz and Don Jose Ruiz

The father and son duo come from a long line of healers in their family. Don Miguel’s mother was a healer and his grandfather was a shaman. Miguel chose a more modern route to healing and became an MD and surgeon. After surviving a massive heart attack, he studied his family’s ancient Toltec traditions and is now also a shaman. Miguel’s son, Don Jose after losing his eyesight in his twenties, learned to listen to inner wisdom.  He has since recovered his eyesight, and co-authored a book with his father.  Jose bridges the ancient and modern worlds by translating the ancient Toltec teachings into accessible, practical, current concepts.  (He at one point compared an Ozzy Osbourne concert to a group spiritual “ohm” session).

I was really moved by their presence. The dynamic between the two of them was powerful and they both radiate a pureness of acceptance and love that is unusual to find.

The father and son healers and authors, Don Miguel Ruiz and Don Jose Ruiz spoke of Truth, respect, awareness, and attention, reminding us we are all artists and urging us to listen:  “when you learn to listen, you respect” and “respect is the most powerful tool. Respect brings peace.” Mirroring Eva, they reminded us that freedom is not outside our self. “Each moment is what is real, whatever is in your mind is not real.”

“The truth is a shapeshifter according to what you believe in each moment.”

Below are my notes of their collective wisdom.

“What is really The Truth?”

There is no way to explain it with words, but the truth exists long before the creation of humanity and long after the extinction of humanity.

The truth exists with or without us – it just exists.

We are all artists – aware or not

The greatest art we humans have is the language we speak

Agreement, opinions, and points of view


we agree on the meaning of the words in our language.  We use words to create everything we know  – a whole picture

Whatever is your opinion – what you know – is only true for you.

We altogether create a truth that is an image of the real one.

Awareness – Your truth needn’t be true for anyone else.

respect the story we create and respect everyone else’s creation

Respect brings peace.

Learn to respect your own creation and conflict in your mind disappears

Thinking is talking in your head.  But who is listening?

At birth, nobody was talking in your head.

Now it’s a wild horse out of control – everyone’s talking and no one’s listening

Conflict in our mind is between The Truth and millions of lies

When we believe in lies we have different degrees of evil.  When you believe in Truth you always feel good.

With this awareness, how can you ever believe what anyone tells you?

The key is to listen.  But don’t believe me.  Don’t believe yourself. Don’t believe anyone else. Learn to listen.

When you learn to listen, you respect.

Give your opinion.  If they don’t like the world they create, they can fix that by changing the main character

Change what you believe you are – everyone around you like magic changes.  When we change what we believe we are everything starts shifting.

I exist.

Truth is you know nothing really. You are who you are.


My dream is of a gathering of masters that brings about an end to suffering, an end to lies, an end of supersition

Freedom is not outside ourself

Express yourself

If I do not judge myself, nobody else will judge me

Attention – that is what you’re going to perceive that creates a belief system

addiction to suffering

we are perfect just the way we are

step into a dream of enlightenment and the rainbow comes out

be aware of what kind of messenger we are

put intent and love to that legacy

the most powerful tool is respect

victim/ judgment = disrespecting self

no one else knows us like we do.  we are Truth.

The Truth doesn’t care to be seen, the Truth just shines.  We are Truth.

Masters of our own dream

It’s an honor to give yourself freedom now.

Share love, beginning with your self

Awareness is the best way to say thank you to the earth

Stop going against yourself

Shaman gives love, we are all from the house of god

A conversation with life when we listen to self

Your greatest responsibility is to give yourself care and love

Tiredness and sadness are lies we feed. Parasite.

God of envy, jealousy – lies we keep alive.

Create a new language – stop lies.  Break the corruption of spirituality.

Gratitude  – know what we come out from, give gratitude to life, to self, to others

Speak our truth

If we don’t have the courage to speak our truth, how can we change the world?

By believing in lies, we are uninspiring ourselves.

world inside our minds.

when I get a heartbreak I feel the emotion – like a little puppy – a living thing

Forgiveness comes before anyone takes action

I live in a physical body that is always hurt.  I am always happy. I live like this is the last day of my life.  I enjoy every moment.  THIS is what is real. Whatever is in my mind is not real. To live in the past is like carrying a corpse with you.  I plan today like I will live forever, but I live like this is the last day of my life. What’s important is that right now I’m having a great time.

When we finally respect ourself, we can respect every body’s different point of view but not necessarily agree.

The main terrorist exists inside our head.

Awareness.  Attention.  Focus on what you want to perceive.

The Truth is shape-shifting for you to not believe in a lie that’s cheating you.

Attention is a bridge between two or more human minds.

Imagination is much more powerful than knowledge.

Your truth will be shape-shifting according to what you believe in each moment.

An artist uses words to get as close as possible to the Truth.

Identify the automatics.

Attention with awareness.

Put all your will and intent and get comfortable with the uncomfortableness.


Practice.  Practice makes the master.

How they believe themselves – catch the lie.

We used attention to create our first reality.

An idea of perfection is the biggest lie of humanity.  You’re perfect just the way you are – that’s the first step in awareness and recovery.  Saying “I’m not perfect” is the biggest excuse.  Don’t believe yourself!

Don’t pretend. Be who you are.

Listen. Give passion to the person.  Inspiration to live life. Get the cloud out of their head.

Evil awakens the humanity.  When you wake up, no evil can hurt you. There is nothing you will not forgive.  Nothing will stop you.

Do you remember that we are so intelligent that we can create any excuse why not to?

What is the message you deliver to people you love?

What is the message you deliver to yourself?

Angels.  Co-creating, being ready for something.

Victimization – drama- heartbreak = lies, stupidity

If you pray the angel will listen.  Guess what?  I am my own angel!

The Truth = believe in yourself

I have no idea what I am and I have no need to know what I am.  My mind is talking to your mind without words, that is real teaching.

Mastery of forgiveness is mastery of love – unconditional

Forgiveness doesn’t exist – it’s a word to make us feel guilty

Forgiveness is a process of healing.  Take the emotional poison out then cover the wound so it won’t get infected anymore.  That cover is love.  Take out the pain and then let it heal.

Choose not to put power there.  It happened, but it’s not real anymore.

Listen to your heart voice.

Don’t believe them (your loved ones), but listen what they say – they’re projecting – they don’t know what they’re doing.

I want you to be happy every day of your life.  Enjoy your life.

Don’t use me to hurt yourself. Celebrate my death by being alive.  Death really doesn’t exist.  You start dying from the moment of your conception.

There’s no one better or worse than you – we’re the same.  The difference is awareness.

Everything in life is free – breathe in, attach. Breathe out, attach.  Make your own hotel.  Detach from things and live life.

If we look at what life took away, our back is to what life is giving to us.

Be the real you =  freedom and legacy to give.  Celebrate life, death, moments.

What story/heartbreak/drama could be so powerful that we would sacrifice our heaven for?

Life is always giving us the message.  Everything is spiritual.

Awareness that our physical body is a biological machine.  Like any machine, a time will come when it will not work anymore.  Physical matter moved by a force.  Since conception, your physical body could die at any moment…it’s surrounded by so many events: bacteria, virus, accident.

We – the force – we are immortal.  We never die. Our physical body will live around 100 years.

It’s real and true what’s happening in our body.  Accept ourself just the way we are – not as we wish to be. Choose how you want to heal your physical body. Trust the one who is healing you.  Your responsibility, your choice to take care of you.  No one knows more than you.


Always presence.

My father gave me trust.

Put all faith into self.

In life, everything we do is a ceremony.  Every action with our body is a ceremony.

Make history before we forget ourself.

The most beautiful ceremony is to be human.

Spirit merged with body.

Meditate. This is where dreams are born.

Action.  They will manifest.

Doubt got us into hell.

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