Library of Professional Coaching

Dr. Brock Materials on History of Coaching

Dr. Vikki Brock is the author of the Sourcebook of Coaching History and has generously provided the Library of Professional Coaching with her materials to share globally.

The coaching profession is fortunate to have excellent publications that serve the interests of coaches. Dr. Vikki Brock published in several of these, which she recommends for the informed coach:

Choice Magazine – Published since 2003, this magazine of professional coaching is a quarterly professional magazine dedicated to the coaching industry. It’s filled with articles, training, news stories and information related to the professional coaching, personal development and business growth industries.

Peer Bulletin –  In 2013 the monthly Peer Bulletin publication included a history tidbit written by Vikki Brock.

Coaching At Work – Published in the United Kingdom, this magazine provides an up-to-date reference archive, practical tips and a place for coaches to exchange news and views on coaching. Both a magazine and an online archive, Coaching At Work has publishes six issues a year.

Recent articles and publications by Vikki Brock on coaching history include:

Dr. Brock had the pleasure of contributing a regular column called “Coaching History Tidbits” in the Peer Resources ( Peer Bulletin.  She selected 20 interesting facts from her Sourcebook of Coaching History to share.

PhD Dissertation

Dr. Brock has long been intrigued by history and genealogy, most recently that of the professional coaching field.  Her Ph.D. dissertation, completed in June 2008, was titled “Grounded Theory of the Roots and Emergence of Coaching.”  Over 170 interviews of key influencers and an extensive literature search culminated in a 693 page document (this includes appendices and references).  View the dissertation here:



Check out a 12-minute compilation video from Vikki’s keynote at the NOBCO Conference in the Netherlands on September 22, 2011. Rey Carr’s article The End of Coaching as We Knew It in Peer Resources Bulletin for July 2011 was used as resource material for this presentation.

Vikki was an attendee at the International Coaching Research Forum held at Harvard in September 2009. See what she has to say about the History of Coaching:

Sourcebook of Coaching History

The hyperlinks below will open up color versions of the black/white figures from the Sourcebook of Coaching History.

2.         A coaching tree and its environment
3.         Timeline of root discipline emergence and relationships
4.         Interconnections between coaching and its root disciplines
6.         Root discipline evolution from philosophy
7.         Evolution of root disciplines through the twentieth century
11.       Evolution of psychology forces
19.       Historical wellness perspectives
21.       Coaching defined
22.       Coaching influences timeline by generation
23.       Thomas Leonard and Laura Whitworth Influences
24.       Coaching key influencers relationships
25.       Relationships and generational connections between influencers
26.       Werner Erhard and Tim Gallwey relationships
27.       Thomas Leonard and other relationships
28.       Background fields for psychology organizations
29.       Emergence of coaching
31.       Geographic spread of coaching by earliest coaching program or company

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