Library of Professional Coaching

Trend: Most firms still using coaching despite recession

This article can be read in its entirety HERE.  Below are excerpts to stimulate discussion.  I’d love to hear your experience!  Does this corroborate your reality?  Comment below!

Tighter training budgets have failed to reduce the use of coaching by employers and could be responsible for an increase in its practice, CIPD research has found.

The CIPD’s 2009 Taking the Temperature of Coaching survey revealed that more employers are using coaching (90 per cent) than might be expected in the current economic climate. This is an increase on coaching use found in past surveys, which stood at 70 per cent.

A majority of survey respondents (70 per cent) said that they have increased or maintained their coaching spend.

“We found a shift away from coaching for development towards more performance-based coaching. It’s a trend that’s exacerbated or driven by the difficult economic environment.”
What are you seeing in your business?


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