Library of Professional Coaching

How to Develop a Successful Coaching Business Marketing Mindset

In order to succeed as a coach, you must develop a positive marketing mindset. You must deal with that inner marketing critic and set it straight or you will never succeed.

To start here are something that you need to erase out of your mind RIGHT NOW. Some things that your inner marketing critic might be saying to you.

1. Marketing is difficult. No, marketing is a learning process like anything else. It’s not difficult at all and it is not rocket science. If you want to succeed in your coaching business you must be have patience and perseverance.

2. Marketing is mysterious. No, marketing is not mysterious. If you want to succeed in your coaching business you must be willing to learn.

3. Marketing is difficult. Yes, it is difficult to coaches who don’t want to succeed in their business.

4. Marketing doesn’t work for my business. Uh, marketing works for every business. Just because you tried some things that may not have worked for your coaching business at the time, doesn’t mean that marketing doesn’t work. If you want to succeed in your coaching business you must be willing to try different things.

5. I don’t have time for marketing. Oh okay, so I assume that you have enough money to hire a marketing team? Either that or you just don’t want a successful coaching business?

So, what else is your inner marketing critic telling you? Bring it on, I will always have an answer.


Now here are some ways to develop a successful coaching business marketing mindset.

1. Be determined to succeed. You must know that you will succeed. You have to be willing to do whatever you have to do in an ethical manner to succeed.

2. Create affirmations. It is best to start Positive, Present, and Specific affirmations.

Here is one to start:

It is very easy for me to market my coaching business, because I believe so strongly in my services and my own abilities to succeed. I am earning $ _________a month because I have the confidence and commitment I need.

3. Be prepared for challenges along the way. In order to have a marketing mindset you must embrace challenges. Challenges are a part of business success. You must accept challenges as opportunities not barriers. Being prepared and having patience and perseverance will get you a long way in with business and marketing.

4. Be positive. You must remain positive throughout the process. Develop a “can do” attitude. A coach with a positive ‘can do’ marketing mindset will find a way; the coach with a negative mindset and attitude will essentially fail. This type of coach will fail in business and as a coach in general.

5. You are a marketer. You must come to terms with the fact that as a coach, you are in the marketing business, like it or not. Yes, you are a coach, but you must begin to see yourself as a marketer too. When anyone owns a business they are a marketer in the marketing business.

6. You can learn. You must know and believe that you can learn the marketing side of a coaching business and you must believe that you can become more effective.

7. Marketing is Key. You must understand that marketing is your key to a growing coaching business. The more effective you are, the more your business will grow.

So, there you have it. Those are tips on how to develop a marketing mindset for your coaching business.

Do you have other ideas on how to develop a marketing mindset for your business? Or perhaps you want to share what your inner marketing critic has told you? Share your comments below.


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