Home Concepts Communication Breaking Down Organizational Silos

Breaking Down Organizational Silos

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An overwhelming lack of communication coupled with the insular construction of organizational silos contributed to major inefficiencies within divisions and the organization. Previous approaches had been ineffective in breaking down the organizational silos.

Weinstein Factor Approach

The change agent assessed the teams from each division on seven areas -impact, capability, power, practice, participation, clarity, and commitment. Setting a baseline for each department, the facilitator proceeded with implementing team dialogs focusing on each team’s lowest scoring areas. The change agent challenged the division leaders to a friendly competition between non-interactive divisions. Conducting a work load analysis and developing a job cross training model, the facilitator aided the division in assisting the department leaders in matching the right person to the right workload.  In addition, the facilitator worked with department leaders in the implementation of job training where required.

Weinstein Factor Results

Within 90 days each division had increases in performance across all areas assessed. One department showed double digit improvement coring High Performing in all areas.

High Performing Team Scores Increased:

• Team Impact – +10%
• Capability – +20%
• Power- +22%
• Practice – +12%
• Participation +13%
• Clarity- + 13%
• Commitment- +14%


• Unprecedented interdivisional communication
• Perception of capabilities increased employee morale and decreased sick leave by more than 36% in 1 year.
• Increased understanding of cultural diversity and multiple viewpoints within the teams resulting in …..
• Improved interdepartmental collaboration resulting in budget implementation, which increase Command Credibility.
• More exploration in leadership accountability

This internal friendly competition further increased communication aiding in the breakdown of silos within the organization and allowed for shared best practices with increased productivity.

© Suzanne Weinstein

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