What is the Library of Professional Coaching?
“You’re like the Huffington Post of coaching!” ~ Eric Edmeades
We are pleased to welcome you to the Library of Professional Coaching (LPC). We’re glad you are here and hope you enjoy this Internet-based, free center that provides access to a carefully selected set of resources associated with the field and discipline of professional coaching. Over more than a decade we have built an online library of professional coaching materials, with an initial focus on professional coaching within an organizational setting, but we quickly expanded to include high caliber materials relevant to all aspects of professional coaching. Our library includes a growing pool of articles, videos, research briefs, dissertations and white papers which will serve as the ultimate Internet-based source of information about professional coaching. We strive to be an easily searchable database of trusted, high-caliber, vetted and peer-reviewed content.
In partnership and collaboration with many other coach-oriented organizations, we continue to build the collection with the intention of providing value and service to the entire coaching community: students, new coaches, faculty, practitioners, internal and external organizational coaches and leaders, authors, personal coaches, researchers, and academicians. If you have materials to contribute and would like to see different or additional categories, let us know! We are constantly seeking to improve this offering to best serve the professional coaching community.
We are honored to announce that in an independent survey the LPC has repeatedly been named one of the Top 5 Coaching Sites for Research and Resources worldwide by the annual Sherpa Executive Coaching Survey of leaders and coaches. The survey is considered the most reliable and method-sound survey in the coaching industry, providing data about trends and issues in executive coaching, and has tracked over 90 websites for several years that offer material for executive coaches.
The video below will tell you a bit more about us:
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