Home Research Coaching Surveys The Development of Coaches Survey: I. Do Coaches Change and What Are Their Competencies?

The Development of Coaches Survey: I. Do Coaches Change and What Are Their Competencies?

36 min read

The final set of scores we provide are variance scores for this second question. We begin with the variance scores for the first survey listed from high (least agreement) to low (most agreement):
How much precision, subtlety and finesse have you attained in your coaching work? (variance = 0.81)
How much mastery do you feel you have of the techniques and strategies involved in practicing coaching? (variance = 0.69)
How good is your general theoretical understanding of coaching? (variance = 0.67)
How well do you understand what happens moment by moment during coaching sessions? (variance = 0.65)
How confident do you feel in your role as a coach? (variance = 0.57)
How empathetic are you in relating to clients with whom you have relativity little in common? (variance = 0.56)
How effective are you at co-creating the working partnership with clients? (variance = 0.52)
How effective are  you at stimulating client insight? (variance = 0.51)
How effective are you in communicating your understanding and concern to your clients? (variance = 0.45)
How authentically personal do you feel while working with clients? (variance = 0.38)

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