Home Research Evidence Based Coaching Research in Practice: The Process of Learning in Coaching

Coaching Research in Practice: The Process of Learning in Coaching

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This article provides an evidence-based explanation of the process of learning in coaching written by Dr Kerryn Griffiths and Dr Marilyn Campbell (Griffiths, K. & Campbell, M. (2009). Discovering, applying and integrating: The process of learning in coaching. International Journal for Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, 7(2), 16-31).


When reading research, it’s always good sense to read with the following (very intellectual) question in mind…


So what’s the SO WHAT of Discovering, applying and integrating: The process of learning in coaching?

Coaching outcomes are in direct proportion to client learning. SO, to generate learning in coaching, you need to ensure that clients are:

1. Discovering

2. Applying

3. Integrating

Discovering happens when clients get an insight or gain some form of new knowledge. Applying happens when they apply or use this new knowledge in their life or work. Integrating happens when the new knowledge becomes so much a part of who they are, that they could never go back. They no longer have to try to do it, it just happens seemingly automatically.


At the end of each coaching session try running these checks:

1. What has my client discovered during this session?
2. How is my client applying (or going to apply) this new knowledge in their life/work?
3. Then in subsequent sessions, go back and check to see how much of the new knowledge has integrated into your clients’ sense of who they are.

To find out how to actually facilitate the discovery, application and integration of learning in coaching, you’ll need to read the whole paper. You can download it directly from the International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring.

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