Key Coaching Questions

2 min read


The Domain of intentions [The Desired state]

How would you know if you have been successful in this endeavor?

What would make you happy?

Who else has an investment in this project and what do they want to happen?

What would happen if you did not achieve this goal?

What would happen if you did achieve this goal?

What scares you most about not achieving this goal?

What scares you most about achieving this goal? 

The Domain of information [Current state]

What are the most salient facts with regard to the circumstance in which you now find yourself?

What are the “facts” about which you are most uncertain at the present time? How could you check on the validity of these facts?

What are alternative ways in which you could interpret the meaning or implications of the facts that you do believe to be valid?

The Problem [Gap between Current and Desired state]

How do you know that there is a problem here?

To what extent do other people see this as a problem? If they don’t, why don’t they?

How long has this problem existed? How big is it? Is there any pattern with regard to its increase or decrease in magnitude?

What are the primary cause(s) of the problem? What is different when the problem does and does not exist? What remains the same whether or not the problem exists?

Who benefits from the continuing existence of the problem? In what ways do you benefit (even indirectly) from the continuing existence of this problem?

What will you miss if and when this problem is resolved?

The Domain of ideas [Solution(s) Leading to Actions]

What have you already tried to do in solving this problem and what did you learn from these efforts?

What actions have you taken that somehow reduced the scope or impact of the problem—even if this action was not intended to address this problem? What did you learn from this serendipitous impact?

How might other people help you solve this problem—especially those who have not previously been involved with this problem? What other resources which have not previously been used might you direct to this problem?

What would happen if you just ignored this problem? What would happen if you devoted all of your time and resources to solving this problem?

What is the most unusual idea that you have about solving this problem? What solutions have you dreamed of or thought about at a moment when you were particularly tired or frustrated?

What would you do if you had much more time to solve this problem?

What would you do if you had very little time to solve this problem?

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One Comment

  1. Rey Carr

    August 4, 2017 at 5:47 pm

    A great set of questions designed to stimulate reflection and authentic consideration. I like the way you’ve grouped them into categories to give a clearer picture of the intention of the question. This is the kind of practical and educational article we like to include in a future issue of the Peer Bulletin magazine.


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