Home Blog Do you know how to coach a person who is much smarter and more knowledgeable than you?

Do you know how to coach a person who is much smarter and more knowledgeable than you?

44 second read

World Business and Executive Coach Summit 2014  kicked off with some complimentary sessions designed to help you raise the quality of your coaching and grow your business.

One of the sessions from last year titled “How Do You Coach A Person That is Extremely More Knowledgeable and Smarter–Than You?” by Howard Morgan was a real eye opener! We have permission to share it with you.

You can find the 30 minute session here:

The session was part of the World Business and Executive Coach complimentary pre-summit series and for the rest of May you can enjoy a number of sessions that have no cost and you do not have to endure any kind of sales pitch.

Here is the link to register: YES! I’d love to attend the rest of the free sessions!

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