Home Concepts Best Practices The Executive and the Unexamined Life

The Executive and the Unexamined Life

5 min read

You work hard and have done well for yourself. Many hold you up as a role model and a success. But, internally, you experience pressure to keep the image of success going. Often you feel like a fraud, thanks to a negative inner voice that’s constantly evaluating you and your worth. Perhaps you feel trapped in your current position, and aren’t sure whether you should stay or get out? Or, maybe you have a tough time creating a work-life balance, and you’re not happy with either area of your life.

If any of these issues sound familiar, have you considered seeking out a life coach or an executive coach?

The False Separation Between Work Problems and Personal Problems

We all spend a lot of time trying to live two lives. We have both a work life and a home life. But, this is a false separation. If you’re having problems at home with your significant other, it inevitably bleeds into your work life. If your work life is stressful and unfulfilling, naturally, you bring those problems home with you.

Being an executive doesn’t make you immune from the everyday problems that all of us experience. As an adult development coach, one of the first things I help my clients uncover is how work life and personal life are interconnected. They begin to understand that true potential cannot be fully realized until they learn how they may be at the mercy of an antiquated internal guidance system that may not have been upgraded since middle school! The executive who is hungry for coaching is often wrestling with a whole slew of unexamined assumptions and a faulty decision-making apparatus.

Unlocking Your Full Potential by Unblocking Your Path

 Many of us have mental blocks that keep us from fully realizing our dreams and goals. For example, consider Jessica’s situation:

She is a busy, driven CTO at a startup looking to secure its next round of funding. She is also a single mom of an active five-year old girl. Jessica constantly feels burdened. Jessica believes she isn’t giving enough time to either her daughter or her company. She feels guilty when at work with her child in daycare. Yet Jessica also feels guilty when she takes her daughter to the movies on a Friday afternoon, instead of putting in hours at the office. Jessica feels like a failure as a mother, and worries that she’s falling behind in her ambitious career goals.

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