Home Concepts Best Practices Thinking Whole: A Fast Track Tool

Thinking Whole: A Fast Track Tool

20 min read

If I tell you in so many words that stars in the sky seem to line up in meaningful patterns, by itself that doesn’t mean very much. If, on the other hand, I take your hand and guide it and your eye along the shape of a dipper, or a man on a horse, or a woman in the night sky something wonderfully magic happens. Not only do you perceive those patterns but also, from that day forward, you will never be able NOT to see the patterns. That’s the meaning of the scene from the motion picture “A Beautiful Mind” when Russell Crowe shares his ability to perceive patterns with his co-star Jennifer Connelly. Not only does he show her the constellations, he also imprints on her mind the patterns that will help her see those and more every time she looks skyward in the future. Fast Track Thinking is constructed with the same result in mind.

Something magical happens when you think around a structure and out loud and get to see your thinking well enough to understand it.


Making sense of a lot of information by structuring it towards a decision is “Actionable Insighting.” Insights are what transforms data, information, and “thinking” into something with which you can work and something on which you can act – that action being anything from the act of understanding something clearly to coming to a decision to being ready to literally take create an action plan. Insights are also keys to cracking the code of that with which you are working. Some people call these the “Aha’s.” When it comes to dealing with lots of information, baby steps are the perfect roadmap to an AHA.  You only need to wrap your brain around as much as you can manage at any one stage. It helps if you know what you’re looking for. The 7-3-1 Fast Track Thinking format is based on the simple concept of “filling in the blanks.”


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