Home Tools and Applications Coaching Roles Ethics in Coaching, Contracting and Confidentiality: Drawing Lines in the Sand

Ethics in Coaching, Contracting and Confidentiality: Drawing Lines in the Sand

15 min read


About the Authors

Suzi Pomerantz, MT., MCC is the CEO of Innovative Leadership International LLC since 1993 and has provided coaching and facilitation services to executives and attorneys in corporations such as DuPont, Welch’s, Sears, Lockheed Martin, Goldman Sachs, Pfizer, PriceWaterhouse Coopers, American Express Financial Advisors and law firms, government agencies, and educational institutions around the world.

Jackie Eiting, MSW is a founding partner in Alder Associates, a Strategy Implementation Consulting Firm. Jackie leads the firm’s executive coaching division, and has coached executives at such companies as DuPont, Land Rover, Ingersoll Rand, IBM, Eli Lilly, Limited.


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