Home Marketing Strategies Marketing From the Inside Out

Marketing From the Inside Out

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To avoid becoming commoditized, organizations that formerly touted features and benefits of their products and services must now differentiate based on their greater cause. Equally important, for-profit and non-profit concerns alike must be authentic in each and every one of their interactions, or the online community will swiftly call them out. Understanding, and then clearly communicating, the organization’s WHY is the path to achieving this authenticity and connecting deeply with their various segments.


To net this out, when employees and team members identify with the visionary leader’s individual and organizational WHY, they become ambassadors for the cause. Clear, WHY-based communications converts “9-5’ers” to aligned team members who – at every customer touch point – can clearly articulate and advocate for what the organization stands for and inspire others to buy in, and buy. WHY-based organizations have the tools, and the mojo,” to create powerful messaging and brand alignment.

Brand alignment, according to Gallup, translates to a 20% increase  in wallet share – that’s a 20% increase in spending from your current customer/client/stakeholder base. It also attracts and engages ideal clients and customers in a meaningful, positive, emotionally charged way.

When companies and organizations identify and express WHY they do WHAT they do, people sign on. They buy into the cause. They buy into the organization. They become raving fans. In a time when authenticity counts and connecting on a deeper level is essential, the WHY is foundational to achieving Buy-Me Metrics™.

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