Home Research Case Studies Space, Migration and Saving the Humans Species: Collective Intelligence of Business as Usual?

Space, Migration and Saving the Humans Species: Collective Intelligence of Business as Usual?

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Without a new point of view, a new paradigm for the use of Collective Intelligence, NASA will die along with the entrepreneurial wherewithal to formulate a constructive, effective, politically and economically acceptable alternative designed to meet the changing environment.  More than ever, it is not just that we have access to space that is important, but how we go into space and the necessity for a careful understanding of the underlying philosophic construct of species survival through migration that’s important.

Many of the lessons from investment and public/private management alliances could be drawn upon, while avoiding the negative social and religious aspects of imperialism adopted through our history.  The corporate sector has inculcated many of the necessary social values driven by the United States government and its international collaborators through both legislative means and contracting provisions of implementing positive laws.  It is time, now, for the federal government and its collaborative partners to adopt the values and philosophic construct of species survival, and to see the plenary necessity of enforcing those values and creating a collaborative context that supports them.

NASA, the Department of Defense, various federal and state agencies, and their respective staffs delivered 110% of what the public and politicians asked.   However, restructuring the U.S. Space program must not be expected to accept and execute new challenges for which clearly NASA was neither intended nor designed.  Nor should time and effort be wasted trying to reconstruct NASA the way it was and for the reasons it was originally intended.  Rather, it is time to focus on how it could fit into a totally new collective framework.   What the public is asking now is for NASA to do the same thing for the commercial exploitation of space, for the benefit of human survival and enhancement of Earth-oriented support services, as it did for the initial exploration of space.

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