Home Research Coaching Surveys The Development of Coaches Survey: II. Challenge, Autonomy and Support

The Development of Coaches Survey: II. Challenge, Autonomy and Support

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We turn now to the mean scores (listed from high to low) for the Second Survey:

Question Two. When in difficulty, how often do you …

a. Try to see the problem from a different perspective(mean = 4.07)
i. Review privately with yourself how the problem has arisen(mean = 3.60)
k. See whether you and your client can deal together with the difficulty(mean = 3.47
j. Just give yourself permission to experience difficult or disturbing feelings(mean = 3.22
m. Modify your stance or approach with a client(mean = 3.21)
c. Discuss the problem with a more experienced colleague(mean = 2.83)
d. Consult relevant articles or books(mean = 2.83)
b. Share your experience of the difficulty with a client(mean = 2.76)
f. Make changes in your coaching contract with a client(mean = 1.83)
q. Refer the client to some other noncoaching professional(mean = 1.81)
p. Explore the possibility of referring the client to another coach(mean = 1.74)
e. Involve another professional or organization in the case(mean = 1.67)
h. Seriously consider terminating coaching(mean = 1.41)
l. Sign up for a conference or workshop that might bear on the problem(mean = 1.40)
n. Avoid dealing with the problem for the present(mean = 0.88)
o. Show your frustration to the client(mean = 0.69
g. Simply hope that things will improve eventually(mean = 0.55)

The next set of scores we provide are variance scores for this second question. We begin with the variance scores for the first survey listed from high (least agreement) to low (most agreement):

Question Two. When in difficulty, how often do you …

e. Involve another professional or organization in the case(variance = 1.85)
d. Consult relevant articles or books(variance = 1.70)
b. Share your experience of the difficulty with a client(variance = 1.57)
k. See whether you and your client can deal together with the difficulty(variance = 1.45)
f. Make changes in your coaching contract with a client(variance = 1.42)
i. Review privately with yourself how the problem has arisen(variance = 1.42)
l. Sign up for a conference or workshop that might bear on the problem(variance = 1.41)
j. Just give yourself permission to experience difficult or disturbing feelings(variance = 1.35)
c. Discuss the problem with a more experienced colleague(variance = 1.32)
q. Refer the client to some other noncoaching professional(variance = 1.20)
m. Modify your stance or approach with a client(variance = 1.17)
p. Explore the possibility of referring the client to another coach(variance = 0.98)
g. Simply hope that things will improve eventually(variance = 0.84)
o. Show your frustration to the client(variance = 0.81)
a. Try to see the problem from a different perspective(variance = 0.76)
n. Avoid dealing with the problem for the present(variance = 0.63)
h. Seriously consider terminating coaching(variance = 0.61)

We have similarly listed the variance scores for Question Two items in the Second Survey from high scores (least agreement) to low scores (most agreement):

Question Two. When in difficulty, how often do you …

c. Discuss the problem with a more experienced colleague(variance = 2.08)m
d. Consult relevant articles or books(variance = 2.00)
f. Make changes in your coaching contract with a client(variance = 2.00)
e. Involve another professional or organization in the case(variance = 1.87)
b. Share your experience of the difficulty with a client(variance = 1.80)
l. Sign up for a conference or workshop that might bear on the problem(variance = 1.79)
k. See whether you and your client can deal together with the difficulty(variance = 1.55)
q. Refer the client to some other noncoaching professional(variance = 1.45)
j. Just give yourself permission to experience difficult or disturbing feelings(variance = 1.44)
p. Explore the possibility of referring the client to another coach(variance = 1.39)
i. Review privately with yourself how the problem has arisen(variance = 1.37)
m. Modify your stance or approach with a client(variance = 1.32)
h. Seriously consider terminating coaching(variance = 1.09)
n. Avoid dealing with the problem for the present(variance = 0.88)
o. Show your frustration to the client(variance = 0.81)
a. Try to see the problem from a different perspective(variance = 0.77)
g. Simply hope that things will improve eventually(variance = 0.50)

Question Three: In your RECENT coaching how often  . . .

We turn now to reporting on the means and variance scores for responses to the third question. The means and variance scores for respondents to the first survey are provided in Table Five.

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One Comment

  1. Rey Carr

    December 17, 2015 at 4:00 pm

    The best part of this report of the results of these two surveys is the discussion of the concepts. Such discussion is valuable regardless of the reliability or validity of the results (or evidence).

    Unfortunately, the methodology section is missing the most important aspect of methodology: how were each of the surveys distributed and what was the rate of return. If, as I suspect, this was an Internet-based survey, then the results have an exceptionally low chance of being either reliable or valid. That is, the likelihood that they reflect the “coaching industry” or “a typical coach” is incredibly small. Thus, conclusions based on the results are suspect.

    But there’s the point. The discussion itself has its own reliability and validity independent of the survey. The points made are worthy of continuing discussion regardless of the surveys.


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