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Strategic Assessments:  Setting up Assessments for Success

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Leader Development:

Scenario Six:  As a part of talent planning, a leader, Robert, was identified as the successor for a key position.  Commitments were made to prepare him for the next role.  To make sure that Robert was fully ready prior to the promotion, the organization decided to give him assessments and executive coaching in the areas that would he needed for readiness and success in the new role.

Leader Transition: 

Scenario Seven:  Coming from the outside with an impressive resume, a senior leader, Alicia, started a new executive role.  As a part of her transition process, her coach did an assessment when Alicia was four months into her new role.  The purpose of the assessment was to give Alicia early feedback and to educate the coach on the strengths and opportunities within Alicia’s transition.  The coach did a verbal 360 assessment and provided Alicia with crucial feedback on her early wins and also the important challenges within her new system.

Setting Up Assessments for Success

Once the reason for the assessments is clear, the organization has an additional number of key questions.

Question Three: 

Who “owns” the data?  Before any assessment process launches, it is essential to have clear boundaries on what happens with the results.  One of the key considerations is setting up processes to ensure the privacy of the person being assessed.

When assessments are being used for development, it is best practice for the person being assessed to “own” the data.  Often, this means giving the report to the person being assessed, who then decides the best way to share the insights with his or her boss.  It is often an expectation that the leader shares a summary of the assessment and his or her action plan with their manager.

Question Four: 

Once a report has been generated, who gets to see it? 

In order to protect a leader’s privacy, processes should be put into place to consider how the report gets delivered.  These key decisions should occur prior to beginning an assessment process.

There are a number of ways that results can be delivered while protecting confidentiality.  In one organization, the assessment firm sent an electronic version of the results directly to the person being assessed.

In another situation, the assessments were used as a part of a leadership program.  The results were delivered to the executive coach who debriefed the results with the leader.  In this case, both the coach and the leader had a copy of the results.

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