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How to Expand? Stand in Their Shoes

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[i] Pirkei Avot 1:14

[ii] Thomas Burke, ed., Einstein: A Portrait (Des Moines IA: Oxmoor House, 1984), 44.

[iii] Michael Jürgs, “Singen mit dem Feind [Singing With the Enemy]“, Der Spiegel, November 3, 2003; based on Michael Jürgs, Der Kleine Frieden im Grossen Krieg [The Small Peace in the Great War] (Munich: Bertelsmann, 2003).

[iv] Rabbi S.Y. Zevin, A Treasury of Chassidic Tales (Brooklyn: Mesorah Publications, 1980), 322.

[v] Psalms 119:98.

[vi] Judges 11:1-33.

[vii] Joseph Ginsburg and Herman Branover, Mind Over Matter: Teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe on Science, Technology and Medicine, trans. and ed. Arnie Gotfryd (Jerusalem: Shamir, 2003), lvi.

[viii] Feisal Hussein and Chaim Weitzmann, Joint Arab-Jewish agreement on Jewish Homeland, January 3, 1919.

[ix] Walter Laqueur and Barry Rubin, The Israel-Arab Reader (New York: Penguin, 2001), 19.

[x] Orly Halpern, “Moroccon king’s Jewish advisor fights for the Palestinian cause. ‘It makes me a full Jew’,” Jerusalem Post, May 31, 2006.

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