Home Concepts Communication A Book, Birthday & Breathalyzer

A Book, Birthday & Breathalyzer

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I never tire looking back and marveling at the divine designs of life lessons; strategically placed stepping stones  in our path guide us to exactly where we need to be.

Who would have guessed it would be stones disguised as a book, birthday, and a breathalyzer that would guide me to the most conscious conversations of my life…, so far.

Sometimes the most important conscious conversation we need to have is with the ‘Voice of our Conscience’.

We all have a book that can change our lives if we let it. The last page of the most inspiring book that touched my life left the reader with a challenge:

For one month, carry a little book with you and write down every time you hear a prompting, and leave a space. Later, in that space, fill in whether you followed the prompting or not and if any consequences, good or bad came as a result.

Promptings – the ‘Voice of your Conscience ’. You know the one. It’s a clear, precise, direct instruction you hear inside your head.

In the beginning it was great. I was mostly prompted to do kind deeds for others and that made me feel good and conversely, to not do things I already knew I shouldn’t do. After a while though it started to become inconvenient and bothersome and my enthusiasm for the challenge started to wane two weeks into the commitment.

September 6, 2013, exactly 5 years ago today, I went to my brother’s to prepare his birthday dinner for him and his friends,and planned to then leave at 5pm. As soon as I arrived I heard that clear, precise, direct instruction from the ‘Voice of my Conscience’, “Cook Dinner Then Leave”. No problem, that was the plan. I’m now packed up ready to leave and my brother starts up, “You can’t leave, you have to stay and join us. All you do is work, work, work. Relax for a minute, you deserve it”.

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