Home Research Case Studies A Pivotal Executive Coaching Experience

A Pivotal Executive Coaching Experience

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The executive was frustrated, important initiatives were being stalemated, the department’s individual leaders were a non-cohesive group and communication had broken down. The executive’s focus was splintered by day-to-day crisis and the department was in disarray.  Initially, the executive was skeptical that the Weinstein factor could positively alter the situation.

Weinstein Factor Approach:

The Weinstein Factor process brought leadership theory into application.  While simultaneously coaching the executive in altering his leadership approach with his subordinates, the change agent interfaced with the group quickly ascertaining the areas of dysfunction utilizing such tools as assessment, observation or interviews.  Re-directing the group through the utilization of conflict management and communication, the change agent addressed the tensions within the group while she guided them toward becoming a High Performing Team.

The facilitator created a “defining event” by implementing a one-way communication meeting from the team to the executive. This experience, although initially uncomfortable, brought new insight and perspective to the executive. This allowed for a pivotal shift within the executive and the team that propelled them forward by addressing the team and their needs.

Weinstein Factor Results:

Within 3 months the assessment scores increased in all areas measured:

• Team Empowerment – Over 40%
• Team Work – 24%
• Team Purpose – 15%

  •   Increased communication within the entire department which resulted in all emergent working being met with excellent results.
  •   Collaboration and empowerment with co-workers.
  •   Initiatives implemented
  •   Priorities met

The Executive:

• Skepticism completely reversed
• Increased ability to listen, respect and communicate
• Clear and focused vision for the organization
• Established attainable goals

The Executive Follow-on Results 1 year later:

• Retained talent
Less than 8% turnover in one year. The organization average was at 22%.
Received Meritorious Civilian Service Award

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