Home Concepts Best Practices The Interdisciplinarity of Professional Coaching: A Whole Person Globalized Imperative

The Interdisciplinarity of Professional Coaching: A Whole Person Globalized Imperative

14 min read

Perry proposed that this multiplistic stage is common among young adults who are first exposed to a world that is expanding in size and complexity. We would suggest that this same dynamic is occurring when a WEIRD leader is first having to address the challenge of working in a rapidly expanding global environment. This sense of betrayal is likely to remain if the young adult or WEIRD leader is provided with minimal support and finds very little that is to be trusted in the world.

We certainly see an abundance of multiplicity in our current world – along with the dualistic perspective. Perry was optimistic, however, regarding the capacity and willingness of many adults to move beyond multiplicity, especially if they are fortune enough to live in a supportive and trusting environment—or have a skilled professional coach to provide both thoughtful support and interdisciplinary guidance.

Relativistic Perspective

Perry suggested that adults often transit to a relativistic perspective. We now see that within a specific community there are certain accepted standards regarding truth, reality and appropriate human conduct. We can appreciate the fact that other communities adhere to different standards than our own. While adhering to a relativistic perspective, we are likely to avoid making any value judgments regarding competing versions of the truth or alternative norms regarding appropriate human behavior. As interdisciplinary and globalist coaches, we can offer diverse perspectives that assist our clients in recognizing the values and insights inherent in these other communities (whether these communities are located in other countries or in disciplines other than that in which our client typically operates).

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One Comment

  1. Rey Carr

    November 21, 2019 at 5:49 pm

    I like this article and its argument for the generalist coach. It probably would have had a stronger impact had it been written about 20 years ago before the “niche” concept began to permeate coaching. Many coaches have bought into the idea that creating a niche area is the most effective way to get clients. Some coaches have straddled this advice by adding several niches to their service descriptions.


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