Home Research Case Studies Practice Management and Coaching

Practice Management and Coaching

21 min read

A first-hand evaluation of what is happening in the client’s office. Kathleen does not just work with the client from her office here in the State of Maine. She is often traveling to meet with her client in person and spending one or two days observing the client’s operations, as well as providing some training for staff members on office operations, and conducting team-building workshops for the entire staff. Another critical element is the evening meeting with the client. Kathleen is able to offer immediate, first-hand observed feedback to her professional client. And this feedback is provided in a caring manner (the heart), based on direct observations and detailed notes (the head). Most importantly, Kathleen offers the feedback in an appreciative manner, focusing in particular on strengths and opportunities that match the challenges being faced by the professional in his or her practice. While I don’t go with Kathleen to her on-site visits, I hear about what happens when Kathleen returns from her trip—and even more importantly I witness the remarkable breakthroughs that often occur when Kathleen is next in touch with her client. High-touch is just as important as high-tech!

These are my reflections on the work being done by Kathleen O’Donnell. She has just retired and has received very touching tributes from her coaching colleagues and even more importantly from her clients. The number of appreciative statements received by Kathleen is indeed impressive and her clients are acting like skillful coaches in that they not only offer Kathleen generalized glowing reviews but also identify specific ways in which she has had a tangible impact on their professional practice – and their personal lives. I am justifiably a very proud partner and husband.  I have learned much about skillful coaching by observing Kathleen O’Donnell in action as a coach to professionals.

Kathleen O’Donnell

Kathleen O’Donnell has been an executive/business coach and a practice management consultant for many years. She has had clients in the US, Canada and the UK. Kathleen maintains an independent executive coaching business (O’Donnell and Associates) and works part time as a business coach/ dental practice management consultant with Jameson Management, Inc., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Kimberly Brozovich

Kimberly Brozovich is currently the Vice President of Coaching Services for Jameson Management.  She works with clients in the United States and Canada.  Kimberly writes articles regarding practice management for several dental organizations as well as lectures on the topic at dental meetings and dental universities.  When not working with dental teams and lecturing, Kim and her husband own two small businesses in Idaho Springs, CO.

William Bergquist

William Bergquist is president of The Professional School of Psychology and is co-curator of the Library of Professional Coaching and the Library of Professional Psychology. He has authored or co-authored more than 40 books and served for more than forty years as consultant and coach to leaders throughout the world.

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