Home Tools and Applications Health and Wellness The “Work-Life” Evolution: Understanding the Past to Help Your Clients Navigate the Future

The “Work-Life” Evolution: Understanding the Past to Help Your Clients Navigate the Future

11 min read

Work with your client to develop a customized work-life vision. What are they hopeful about or aspire to be—and what might they be worried about? Coach them to develop a vision of work-life that will resonate with them given their unique background, values, culture, and experiences.

Sample Coaching Questions

  • What does wellness look like for you (in terms of emotional, physical, environmental, etc.)?
  • What are you hopeful about and what might you be worried about?
  • How would you label this new way of being? What is your mantra now around work-life?
  • How will you bring this to life?
  • Describe what your life would look like on a daily basis as you live this mantra.

STEP 3: Create New Possibilities

At this point, your client has analyzed their own past, created a vision for the future, and outlined a few hopes and fears. Now, you can help them map out strategies within this framework that are aligned to their vision. Help your client think of strategies that will leverage the anticipated upsides and minimize the potential downsides. Help them so that they do not swing the pendulum too far to either side but are rather effectively navigating through the on-going tension.

Sample Coaching Questions

  • What are 1-2 small changes you can make now that are aligned to your vision?
  • What actions will help you leverage the upsides and minimize the downsides?
  • How you achieve both (e.g., Manage boundaries and still be responsive? Care for others and care for yourself?)

 The Future of Work-Life

We have reached a point in time where we are not as concerned about how work and life fit together or compete for our time. Rather, many of us are seeking meaning and purpose for our lives, and in some cases that may be answered through our contributions at work. As coaches, we play a critical role in supporting our clients as they build their self-awareness and define plans to improve their own well-being. What’s more—we have a unique view into broader trends such as observations of our client’s workplace culture and workplace trends overall. Making these connections can help build the bridge to the future with authenticity and intention. And, embracing this on-going work-life tension, or polarity, for yourself is perhaps the best way you can show up in service of others.

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