Ginger Cockerham and DJ Mitsch
Coaching is a rapidly growing $1.5-billion service industry embraced by companies and organizations globally. As the industry continues to grow and evolve, movement beyond the one-to-one executive coaching model typically offered at the highest levels of organizations to a more collaborative group and team model can provide an effective and scalable solution for expansion.
Article from the magazine choice (volume 6 Number 4) is attached.
Ginger Cockerham
Ginger Cockerham, Business and Life Coach, works with both individuals and companies to develop strategies and achieve their mission and goals. Her diverse international coaching business includes executives and professionals in the financial services, high-tech and service industries. She speaks and coaches with Northwestern Mutual Financial Network, The Associates, Brinker International, Merrill Lynch, Keystone Construction and State Farm Insurance.
DJ Mitsch
Darelyn “DJ” Mitsch is a Master Certified Coach and past president of the International Coach Federation (ICF) where she guided the organization to expand to global chapters. She is one of the first 25 coaches in the world to receive a Master Coach designation and has coached over 800 executives and hundreds of teams in Fortune 500 companies. DJ is co-founder and President of The Pyramid Resource Group, a corporate coaching company based in Cary, North Carolina.
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