Home Concepts Decison Making & Problem Solving Finding Essence in a VUCA-Plus World V: Action Steps Toward Establishing and Maintaining Trust

Finding Essence in a VUCA-Plus World V: Action Steps Toward Establishing and Maintaining Trust

86 min read

It is at this point that Essentials and Essence join hands. What are the Essential steps to be taken in establishing the Essence of Trust? I wish to first offer a set of action steps that are aligned with a psychological model of interpersonal and group relations that was proposed (quite successfully) by my colleague, Will Schutz. I then offer a more poetic approach, relying on the wisdom offered by Oriah Mountain Dreamer in his widely read statement called “The Invitation.” I dip into my own personal relations with a person I trust to illustrate the insights to be gained from this wise Native American elder.

Psychological Description of Steps to Trust

As an engineer turned human relations expert, Will Schutz (1994) proposed that effective personal and group relationships are built on the successful fulfillment of three basic human needs: Inclusion, control and openness. We seek to fulfill these needs by either actively pursuing interactive moments that lead to their fulfillment or by waiting for others to engage us in a way that fulfills this need. Schutz proposed that these three needs are fulfilled in a sequential manner. We must first ensure that our need for inclusion is fulfilled. We can then move on to the need for control. With the establishment of clarity regarding control, we are ready to address the need for openness (what Schutz originally called the need for affection).

I incorporate Schutz’s three interpersonal needs, their enactment and their sequencing in my own proposal regarding the establishment of Trust. My own Lens as a way to view the Essence of Trust is beholding to the insights offered by Will Schutz. I believe that Trust is to be found when those involved in a relationship (personal or collective) feel included. Furthermore, they are comfortable with the nature and enactment of control in the relationship and find it safe to be open with one another. I rely on Schutz’s sequence in the identification of the steps to be taken toward the achievement of Trust. I also find the distinction he makes between active (expressed) and passive (wanted) perspectives on the achievement of Trust to be of great value in identifying variations that can be taken in seeking to achieve the Essence of Trust.

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