In this essay, I continue my offering of a diverse set of strategies and tactics which I believe provide a viable alternative to Serenity as a way in which to cope with pressing VUCA-Plus issues. This set of strategies and tools centers on focusing one’s energy and engagement on the Essence of each VUCA-Plus issue.
I focus in this essay on the ways in which turbulence can be transformed to engagement, and contradiction can be transformed to integration. We find the Essence that is needed to guide us through a white water world filled with many contradictions through these transformative strategies of engagement and integration. We also find that Essence helps us identify the nature of changes (or non-changes) that we wish to make in our own life and work as well as the setting in which we are working and living. I turn first to this matter of viewpoint regarding Essence and change.
The Facets of Essence
As a Lens through which one can view the world, Essence comes with four facets. Each of the facets provides a viewpoint that influences the way in which we engage our world at any one point in time.
Facet One: Zero Order Essence
From the viewpoint offered through this facet, one finds that Essence exists right now in the world we inhabit. We are in “heaven” and need not change anything. We discover our “bliss.” Facet One leads us to believe that we should be in the business of preserving what already exists. It offers an appreciative perspective. “Heaven on earth” is to be found in the appreciation of what already exists and what we have already accomplished.
Facet Two: First Order Essence
We can perceive the Essence of what we desire at any one point in time. Knowing what we want, action is taken. First order change is engaged on behalf of this Essence. This facet typically provides a perspective regarding personal transitions. We can lean and learn into the future when viewing the world through this facet.
Facet Three: Second Order Essence
We adjust our view of Essence but recognizing that Essence resides beyond or beneath that which we initially perceived as being the Essence of what we wish in our life. We engage in second order change on behalf of this second order Essence. Personal transformation (Mezirow) rather than transition.
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