Home Concepts Best Practices 5 Big Coaching Trends For 2021 And Beyond

5 Big Coaching Trends For 2021 And Beyond

4 min read

2020 has certainly been a year of the unexpected. Many coaches have found it necessary to completely rethink and rework their offering in order to adapt to doing business in the midst of a global pandemic. With the likelihood of disruption continuing well into 2021,  coaches are now putting into practice business models which probably weren’t even on their roadmap this time last year. In fact, many of our coaches have been able to grow their businesses exponentially during the pandemic. As 2020 draws to a close, now is the time to explore some of the biggest trends in coaching which will dominate the landscape over the coming year.

1. Virtual coaching will continue to soar

Virtual coaching was already growing steadily prior to the pandemic, but the restrictions on face to face meetings, travel and social distancing requirements have meant that this is even more relevant to coaching operations than ever before. Technology is revolutionizing the way coaches can service their clients, allowing them to offer products and packages anytime, anywhere. Automation can effortlessly guide users through an online coaching programme, often without any input needed from the coach. Whilst this is of course an excellent model for scaling any coaching business, it is important to remember that the human aspect must be retained in order to build deeper connections with clients. Don’t forget to add in that all important live element to your offering.

2.Demand for outcome-led coaching will rise

In a world where instant gratification is the norm, it is unsurprising to find that the same applies to the coaching world too. Clients are seeking out coaches who can help them gain the results they want and fast! In order to provide the answers clients are looking for, coaches need to ensure they are focusing their energy on outcome-led coaching. It’s important to remember that clients are not paying for a ‘process’, rather it’s the transformation that can be brought to their lives as a result of working with a particular coach. All marketing and communications should be focused on what the client will gain by the end of the programme, so that they can clearly align their investment with the solution to their problem.

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  1. Marubini Rahulani

    August 3, 2021 at 2:56 am

    It helps us to be aware that we must keep a deeper connection with our clients


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