Home Concepts Concepts of Leadership Community Engagement The Varieties of Civic Involvement: Senior Sage Leaders

The Varieties of Civic Involvement: Senior Sage Leaders

9 min read

My civic involvements feed my spirit. Senior Sage Leader


Unlike their emerging sage counterparts, most senior sage leaders are either fully or partly retired, so their favored civic organizations are largely outside the workplace. They tend to be in nonprofit organizations, fraternal and service clubs, and business and religious organizations.

By far the leading civic involvements for senior sages are nonprofit organizations, where they have 38 affiliations. Some senior sage leaders provide as much as 100 or more hours of service each month, with the average being 20-30 hours in such capacities as board officer, committee chair, and volunteer. Two paid senior sage leaders (music director, founder) each provide 200 hours of service per month.

Favored civic organizations for senior sage leaders are led by Music in the Mountains, (11 involvements), the Center for Nonprofit Leadership (four involvements), InConcert Sierra (four involvements), The Friendship Club (three involvements), and Habitat for Humanity (three involvements). Other senior affiliations include The Center for the Arts, Community Recovery Resources, Elder Care Providers Coalition, Empire Mine Park Association, The Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital, the Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital Foundation, Hospitality House, Nevada County Television, Mission Focused Solutions, North Star House, Sierra Family Medical Clinic, and Youth Can Do Program.

The senior sages’ second most favored civic involvements are fraternal and service clubs, faith-based organizations, and business associations. These include such organizations as the Grass Valley Downtown Association, Interfaith Food Ministry, the Nevada County Business Association, Rotary, and Twin Cities Church. The one paid position among these averages 240 hours of service a month, and the unpaid positions contribute between 20 and 60 hours.

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  1. Jefferson Davis

    March 15, 2013 at 1:26 am

    I am impressed with your article William. Civic leadership is crucial for the societies to survive. You discussed about senior sage leaders and their way of undertaking tasks in a beautiful way. However, I will suggest some type of leadership coaching for these leaders.


  2. libraryofprofessionalcoaching

    March 15, 2013 at 9:14 am

    I agree with Jefferson. We do need to trace out the implications of the Sage Leadership research study for those who are coaching the emerging and senior sage leaders. We would be pleased to insert articles in our new issue of Sage that trace out these implications.


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