Home Concepts Strategy Future of Coaching Coaching in the Professions: Challenges and Culture

Coaching in the Professions: Challenges and Culture

3 min read

Bill Carrier and Bill Bergquist

In this issue of The Future of Coaching, we look at coaching in the professions, expanding our base of knowledge with some reports from members of the medical and legal professions who serve as coaches, as well as experienced coaches who work with professionals and train professionals as peer coaches in the fields of dentistry and justice (judges).

One of us [WHB] begins this issue by offering a general framework regarding the nature of organizations that are established and run by professionals. He describes these as closely-held enterprises and writes about coaching professionals who operate as entepreneurs.

Theory E²: Working with Entrepreneurial Professionals in Closely-Held Enterprises

We then turn to three articles written by professionals from two different disciplines who provide their unique perspective on coaching their fellow professionals. Dr. Margaret Carey returns to amplify her earlier comments on coaching physicians, and Dr. Michael Cassatley writes about his own experience as a medical professional and coach to physicians. Anna Rappaport, JD, debuts with an article about coaching lawyers.

Coaching Physicians

The Transformative Shift in Healthcare Compels Coaching

The Good, the Bad and the Non-Billable: The Reality of Coaching Lawyers

In addition to these practitioner perspectives, we’re glad to offer two articles written by coaches who work extensively with professionals. Kathleen O’Donnell and Kimberly Brozovich reflect on their many years of experience as coaches and consultants (practice management) to dentists. Their essay is accompanied by observations made by one of [WHB] of Kathleen O’Donnell as an effective and appreciative coach. Jan Bouch completes this section of The Future of Coaching with her description of a very successful program being conducted in two court systems with judges being trained to coach and mentor other judges.

Practice Management and Coaching

Coaching Better Justice

We conclude this issue of The Future of Coaching with our usual Bookshelf and Coaching Tools. The bookshelf contains a review of Mark Ridley’s The Rational Optimist, while the Tool Kit offers an overview of conflict styles, prepared by Ellen Kandell, a lawyer and coach. It is indeed fitting that we end with a tool offered by a legal professional.

The Book Shelf: Matt Ridley, The Rational Optimist  (2010)

An Overview of Conflict Styles: A Coaching Tool

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