Home Concepts Adult Development Generativity and the Deep Caring of Professional Coaching

Generativity and the Deep Caring of Professional Coaching

17 min read

The Intentional Design of Stewardship: A Case Study

Goodwin Watson once identified three domains in which change can take place: structure, process, and attitude/culture. Eventually, all three must be engaged if change is to be sustained. The authors suggest that these three domains apply when considering stewardship of any profession or human service field. The two authors are particularly interested in the emerging profession of coaching. With some of their colleagues, they have sought to “steward” this profession in several ways over the past decade.

Nurturing Generativity

How do we help our clients identify and build on their own personal generativity motives? What pushes them forward on behalf of their deep caring needs?  In what ways might a professional coach also assist their clients to identify ways in which their organization or community are pulling them toward generative activities? What do deep caring relationships look like? How might the work of a professional coach complement the creation of a Generative Society in which deep caring prospers?

Nurturing Generativity and Deep Caring

It is important to seek the origins of generativity inside an individual’s psyche as well as the environment or context in which generativity is nurtured. In their California study, the authors found that generativity is encouraged (if not created) by one’s community. Much as it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a community to bring out the multiple roles of generativity in oneself. This exploration of generativity both inside and outside a person is essential when coaching someone regarding the way(s) in which and reasons why they care deeply.

A New Core Anchor for a Different Voice: Connection

The author of this essay notes that when she is connected to people, when she belongs to a group, she feels a sense of purpose and meaning. Her core anchor is Connection: The author suggests that many human service providers may have a deep need to connect with others. Furthermore, connection is a core value for many women. As Carol Gilligan suggests, Western males and females are socialized differently, and females are more likely to focus on community and care about personal relationships.

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  1. Jeremy Fish, MD

    January 11, 2024 at 10:43 pm

    Generative coaching and leadership is happening quietly across many industries , enterprises and government entities…often unnoticed in its informality and authentic caring.
    The term Generative shifts our mind ser towar energy…the key to expansive capacity to drive toward our common good.
    Energizing elders engaging with emerging leaders is perhaps the most impactful way for senior executives and coaches to contribute toward a better tomorrow.
    I am blessed to be the recipient of Generative friendship with one of the great minds of post moderb coaching and leadership, Bill Bergquist, PhD.


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