Home Concepts Best Practices Best Practices: Barrier or Boost for Mentoring, Peer Assistance or Coaching?

Best Practices: Barrier or Boost for Mentoring, Peer Assistance or Coaching?

11 min read


Ambler, S. (2011). Questioning “best practices” for software development: Practices are contextual, never best.

Ashkenas, R. (November 10, 2010). Why best practices are hard to practice. HBR Blog Network.

Bardach, E. (2011). A practical guide for policy analysis: The eightfold path to more effective problem solving, 4th edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
This book can be purchased through Amazon.ca, Amazon.com, or Amazon.co.uk.

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Greene, J.P. (2012). Best practices are the worst: Picking the anecdotes you want to believe. Educationnext. (Retrieved March 17, 2014)

Marston, G., & Watts, R. (2003). Tampering with the evidence: A critical appraisal of evidence-based policy-making. The Drawing Board: An Australian Review of Public Affairs, 3, 3, 143-163, (Retrieved March 18, 2014)

Sunderland, K., & Mishkin, W., (2013). Guidelines for the practice and training of peer support. Calgary, AB: Peer Leadership Group, Mental Health Commission of Canada. (Retrieved March 17, 2014)

Williams, D.D.R., & Garner, J. (2002). The case against ‘the evidence’: A different perspective on evidence-based medicine. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 180, 8-12.


“Evidence-based coaching is a scientific approach whereby professional practice is capable of being justified in terms of sound evidence based upon a process of methodical clinical and industry research, evaluation, and the use of up-to-date systematic research findings to support decisions about practice. Evidence based coaching links theories and research from the behavioral sciences eg; psychology with coaching best-practice. Evidence-based coaching is a way of distinguishing professional practice grounded in proven science versus the simplistic, unproven coaching approach popularized by the many coaching associations and coach training providers engaged in mass-marketing to a primarily uneducated
marketplace.” ~ Suzanne Skiffington ~ Founding Director Behavioral Coaching Institute


“Belief based coaching (BBC) is a common and traditional form of coaching. Its guidelines for practices are usually a mix of personal experiences, some basic education about training and professional development, selected incomplete knowledge of coaching practices, and a self-belief in the practitioner’s coaching approach. Any changes in coaching practices usually only occur through a process of self-selection. The accumulated knowledge of BBC is subjective, biased, unstructured, and mostly lacking in accountability. BBC also includes pseudo-scientific coaching. Pseudo-scientists (versus qualified behavioral scientists) attempt to give the impression of scientific knowledge but invariably their knowledge is incomplete resulting in false/erroneous postulations.” ~ Suzanne Skiffington ~ Founding Director Behavioral Coaching Institute


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