Home Concepts Best Practices How Multidimensional Is Your Coaching?

How Multidimensional Is Your Coaching?

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An integral coaching approach can also help your clients move more quickly and authentically toward their goals. For example, a coach with a client focusing on work/life balance could invite the client to explore behavior patterns (mental) and to use imagery (mythical) to describe an ideal week. She could also invite the client to notice any somatic responses such as tightness in the throat (intuitive) that might shift when the client became more compassionate and clearer about values and sense of purpose (archaic).  Using approaches from various quadrants accesses different parts of the self. Drawing from all four quadrants allows the whole person to be addressed and connections between parts of the self to become clear.

A multidimensional approach has even more far-reaching effects than growing your practice or helping your clients move more quickly and authentically. When both coaches and clients are able to come from multiple perspectives as they work with their internal worlds, they are more accepting of differences with the people around them (their external worlds). As they turn outward, they can appreciate multiple perspectives on any topic, celebrate differences, acknowledge individual gifts and skills, and discover how individuals complement one another in a group, whether it is a family, a health care team or a division of a company.

An integral approach not only brings comfort with and appreciation of differences, but also awareness of similarity, connection and being part of a whole.  People are less likely to harm each other because they realize the extent of their connection and oneness. Metaphorically speaking, they are not inclined use the left hand to cut off the right hand. This could result in less violence and could create more kindness, caring and consideration for one another and the planet we live on.

This article was originally published in Coaching World.





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