Home Concepts Best Practices Thinking Whole: A Fast Track Tool

Thinking Whole: A Fast Track Tool

20 min read

[Note: This essay is an edited excerpt from John Krubski, Breaking Genius, 2019]

In the digital lexicon the most important recurring reference items are known as the “FAQ’s” – the frequently asked questions – which, by the nature of the frequency with which they are asked, are presumed to be the guiding principles to which the questioners should defer.

Fast Track Thinking

When engaged in the process of “Thinking Whole” – and more specifically in Fast Track Thinking (FTT) we are more concerned with the “FAC’s”– Focus, Actionability, and Clarity. Everything we are trying to provide is meant to deliver on these three dimensions of meaningful thinking. At the same time, they should serve as a continual benchmark for both the progress and the validity of the thinking FTT produces.


Polynesian totem carvers work with the idea that you create something beautiful by removing everything that does not belong and leaving only the essential truth of what is in the wood with which you work. The best thinking works along a similar track. Once you have a tool to help you remove what is inessential, your thinking gets ever closer to what some call “laser sharp” focus. Intelligently narrowing the scope of what concerns you makes it increasingly possible to embrace it, process it, and make sense of it.

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